Sunday, 13 November 2011

All Change!

No, my train hasn't just pulled into Crewe railway station. Instead, not wishing to deprive my girlie fans any longer of their need to run their eyes (and other things) over my gorgeous avatar, I have this weekend ventured away from my island retreat and back into the world of SL. And how things have changed in SL Dublin!

The management team at Dublin has been completely re-structured and, purely coincidentally, the sims are now using a new security system which is, it would seem, controversial.

For my own part, I'm content to accept the assurances given that this system does not (as some allege) invade privacy by collecting and logging IP addresses. You can perhaps take some comfort in this respect by asking yourself whether I've ever been proved wrong? When I asked myself that question, my answer was positive.

My web-browsing has also disclosed to me that as a result of his support of the new security system, Smitty Boyau, the long-standing Dublin Security Manager, is gaining a certain notoriety over at SLU .

I've also been given a list (sadly much too long to publish here) of the partnerings, un-partnerings, and re-partnerings that have taken place in Dublin over the last month. Well done to all those who've managed several entries on that list!

In the midst of what can appear to be quite radical change, it's comforting to know that things such as the SL partnering merry-go-round will always continue unabated.  

Friday, 11 November 2011

A Day to Remember

It's exactly a month since my last post. You might assume that in that month I'd been so busy inworld that I'd been unable to find the time to post and, if so, you'd be wrong.

For reasons I'm presently discussing with my psychiatrist, I've become a recluse, rarely venturing from the confines of my SL island home. Believing myself to be Dr. Doolittle, my principal communication in SL now consists of exchanging chirps with my meeroos. Chirp, chirp, birt, as they say! Too funny, huh? I tell you, they sure know how to tell a joke! As you might perhaps have anticipated, I've also discovered that their artificial intelligence and communication skills compare favourably with the intelligence and communication skills of many SL residents. 

During my period as a recluse, I've missed out on all the Halloween events. I even managed to forget that 3rd November was my 4th rez day! However, I have (notwithstanding my mental state, chirp, chirp, birt) remembered that today in the UK is Armistice Day (being the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War), our equivalent of Veterans' Day in the US.

In contrast with Halloween and my own rez day, 11th November is, I think, a day well worth remembering.