Tuesday, 11 October 2011


As soon as logged into SL this evening I received an IM from one of my my fans, Nina Brandenburg. I like Nina because she appears to agree with me when I tell her that I'm a normal man in a world full of idiots.

Nina told me that she was about to stand in for a green frog who couldn't make it and invited me over to join her in the Blarney Stone pub in Dublin. An image of Ninja Nina flashed across my mind. However, when I arrived I saw Nina, sat on a stool on the stage, holding a microphone in her hand. There's wasn't a frog or turtle to be seen.

Nina sings! And very nicely too. Usually at the Savoy Jazz Club, when I'm asleep in bed.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

One Foot in the Grave

My encounter yesterday with Bastard prompted me to pay a visit (my first for 2 weeks or so) to the Wild Coast Naturist Resort which is where Bastard used to work as a guard. Thankfully the guards employed there nowadays are somewhat more attractive than Bastard, and I was lucky enough to time my visit to when my friend, the curvaceous WonderWoman Sapphire, was on duty. 


WonderWoman let slip a few weeks ago that the notes she has made against my profile read: "Victor Meldrew" Who is Victor Meldrew? . Now many might smart at being likened to such a character, but I actually find him rather endearing and think WonderWoman's association perceptive.

Love Eggs!

Saturday evening UK time (1-3 pm SLT) saw me, as it usually does, at Fibber Magees in Dublin 3 to listen to my good friend, the delightful Leona Ohanlon, DJ-ing.

Leo and yours truly

Leo, for those who don't know her, has the most amazing, if not "stimulating", speaking voice. I'd always struggled to describe the sound of her voice in words, until a couple of weeks ago, after I'd commented on it in local chat, a woman piped up to observe: "She sounds as if she's sat on a love egg." A quite perfect description!

Anyway, yesterday evening, as the music was playing, and my impossibly handsome avatar was "strutting his stuff" on the dance floor in the midst of the 20 to 30 people present, Leo contacted me:

[14:50] Leona OHanlon: oi
[14:50] Leona OHanlon: hahah
[14:50] Leona OHanlon: got worried here
[14:50] Ian Undercroft: Why?
[14:50] Leona OHanlon: [14:47] Bastard: I am looking at ian's ass
[14:47] Bastard: and I seen that naked plenty in my past sl life
[14:48] Leona OHanlon: ians ass?
[14:49] Bastard: yeah

I looked across the dance-floor and saw the aptly (display) named Bastard standing by the bar; a dark and brooding male avatar, dressed all in black. I realised immediately that I did, indeed, know him, although it must have been over 2 years since I'd last seen him. As unlikely as, no doubt, it seemed to Leo, what Bastard had told her was perfectly true!

Isn't it difficult on occasions to explain away your past online activities?!